Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Forbidden Power

There were many worlds that were known for their powerful triumphs over great wars, but there was one in particular that conquered all; Athlas. The Universe XI believed that a world should not be too powerful as one, thus it sent a great thunder and split Athlas into Falaxo and Braxten. Falaxo was the wealthy, great resources and powerful. While Braxten lacked of resources, and flooded with poverty.
Falaxo is the place where everyone wanted to be since they had the power to control the weather and avoid all source of destruction. The soil was rich and dark brown tint. As your feet push into the dirt it feels like cotton candy on a sunny day. The buildings were all made by glass reflecting the beautiful bright red sky. The Falaxonians all smiled with joy because they know that they have the power. Yet, in this world it is not all fun and games because the people live in great hatred towards one another. No one talks to each other everyone stays silence to strangers and no one wants to get along. Unfortunately, there is only one thing that the Falaxonians had in common which is the hatred towards the Braxtenian’s people. If any of the Braxtenians people would come in contact with the Falaxonians they will execute them on sight.  
Sadly, Braxten’s people are the less fortunate. They live in a compact area sort of like a shoebox. They smiled through all the hardships that they faced despite the horrible weather conditions and the lack of food. The Braxteninan’s worked extremely hard for their food because the God’s barely provided food. They worked all night and day for crumbs that Falaxonians left behind yet they are extremely grateful. The sun never shined on the land where all the evil is done. “ The tongue can kill. It has the power.” A women walking along an orange slimely substance screamed. The great thing that these people are their character and the sense of community that they had a with one another.
The two worlds needed to remain in balance. The God’s lived in Universe XWX they had the authority upon the other universes and challenged each one. Most believed the God’s authorities and never questioned. Rosalina and Azuleto are from the opposite worlds and they both questioned their placement in society. Azuleto lived in Braxten world where he was privileged but he listened to the elders speaking how there's another world out there and they are living in the worst conditions. Azuleto took it upon himself to try and see the world for himself. Since most are blind to the other world they can not directly locate it but he could because his eyes had awaken. He gathered all his clothings and went to an adventure.
As he entered the city his eyes  began to bulge from his skull since he could not believe what eyes perceived. This beautiful young woman named Rosalina.
Journal Entry: Azuleto
           Beautiful lips,hips that God’s
Can not touch.
Please be mine.
Even though the God’s say
It is forbidden
It is truly love at first sight  
The love that they had for each other was real and they both did not understand why it was forbidden. Azuleto and Rosalina had to switch off between the worlds. Their love was so powerful that they remained in secret and had a beautiful baby girl. Despite all of this Rosalina had to raise their baby girl most of the time and her father had to keep going back forth between the worlds to maintain the secrecy. Rosalina disliked the fact that she had to raise her all by herself and Azuleto mostly contributed on bringing resources to keep them both alive.   
However, Bonnie has always been tied between these two worlds because of her parents. Like water and oil, Falaxonians and Braxtenians could never be united. In the eyes of the Gods, they were said that these two worlds should never mix, yet Bonnie’s parents never obeyed as they were blinded by love. They crossed worlds and this had a punishment from the Gods. Bonnie lost her parents when she was sixteen. She began to question everything about why her parents decided to go against the status quo, the idea of being into two separate worlds. She was the only person that can go to both worlds and this was dangerous to the Gods.
Bonnie traveled back and forth between Falaxo and Braxten to find out why these worlds were divided. She was not welcomed by the Falaxonians because the image she presented was an example of the Braxtenians. Despite this, she still crossed worlds in disguise to her father’s empty house to look for evidence of why the two worlds were created. The Falaxonian assassins had destroyed everything except her father’s journal that she found hidden. Bonnie had to be extremely careful going back to Braxten as she was committing a crime that caused her parents’ death. She opened the journal and read: Athlas was not always like this. It was the conqueror of all worlds, the king of kings and a threat to the Gods. It is now filled with hatred and division. My Bonnie will make a change in the eyes of the Universe. Bonnie was speechless and began to cry. She discovers a new purpose in life and is to mend the two worlds together.
Journal Entry: Azuleto
It became once, twice, three times
Now everyday…
The thought of leaving
With no return
Death is sweeter than living
For everything is wealth and power
“Run! “ The God’s screamed. Bonnie ran through fresh cut green grass. Her heart felt as if it was about to come out of her chest. She can taste her salty sweat running down her forehead. The voices got louder and she became frightened. She stumbles on the rocks and falls. Her vision blurs as she feels a wind-like touch brush against her neck. She squirms with fear closing her eyes tightly wishing that all will be over.
She wakes up from from her dream. “Why have you forsaken me!” She cries. Bonnie’s heart is filled with pain while her eyes scream into tears like an over spilled glass of water. She is not sure why the Gods want to kill her. Bonnie has no one to turn to. She picks her father's journal and begins to burn it. “Stop it !” she hears a scream. She drops the journal and it immediately stops burning.  She picks the journal and she hears a voice speaking to her “ Baby girl it is me your father.” His voice began to calm her down. She was confused.  He begins to explain when assassins killed him and her mother their spirits went to somewhere valuable. One of  the most important thing to both of her parents was writing because they often questioned their existence.
They explained to her that her mission is is to go Universe XWX and know the history and wonder why the world's needed to be divided and how can they mend it together. She needs to use her power to really focus and to cross paths to this universe. In the journal there is a message that she had to unlock to get into the universe. It is is code and she pleads to father why does she have to do this. Her father says “ I believe in you. A lot of people are blinded by false life of this unjust world and I can see you changing it. I love you. May the peace be with you…” Just like that he vanished. She is puzzled with mixed emotions.

Looking around her mother's house she tries to find the missing pieces. Bonnie tosses and turns around her house like a tornado. Yearning to find a the book of the last missing piece of the puzzle. She continues to follow her father's courage yet frightened…   

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